International Mother Language Day: Celebrating Diversity

Every year on February 21st, the world celebrates International Mother Language Day to promote linguistic and cultural diversity, as well as multilingualism. This day was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1999 to recognize the importance of preserving and promoting languages around the world.

As of 2022, there are approximately 7,000 languages spoken around the world, with over half of them facing the risk of extinction due to various reasons such as globalization, cultural assimilation, and lack of governmental support. Therefore, it is crucial to celebrate and acknowledge the value of every language to ensure their preservation and promote the importance of multilingualism.

History and Significance of International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day

The idea of celebrating International Mother Language Day originated from Bangladesh, where the country had a significant linguistic and cultural movement in the early 1950s. Bangladesh, which was then known as East Pakistan, had a majority Bengali-speaking population but was governed by the West Pakistanis who primarily spoke Urdu. As a result, the West Pakistani government imposed Urdu as the official language of Pakistan, leading to protests and resistance from the Bengali-speaking population.

On February 21, 1952, a group of students and activists held a peaceful protest against the government’s decision to impose Urdu in the city of Dhaka. The police responded with violence, which resulted in the deaths of several protesters, including students and activists. The incident sparked a nationwide movement, which ultimately led to the recognition of Bengali as an official language of Pakistan in 1956 and the subsequent formation of Bangladesh in 1971.

In honor of the Bengali Language Movement and to promote the importance of linguistic diversity, Bangladesh proposed the idea of celebrating International Mother Language Day at the UNESCO General Conference in 1999, which was later approved by the United Nations General Assembly.

Since then, every year, people around the world celebrate this day to honor their mother languages and promote linguistic diversity and multilingualism.

Threats to Linguistic Diversity

International Mother Language Day

Linguistic diversity is facing several threats globally, which can lead to the loss of cultural heritage and identity. Some of the significant threats to linguistic diversity include:

  1. Globalization and Cultural Homogenization: The rapid spread of globalization has led to the dominance of certain languages, which are perceived as more advantageous for communication and business. This often results in the marginalization of minority languages and cultures, which can lead to the gradual disappearance of these languages and cultural traditions.
  2. Language Endangerment and Extinction: Language endangerment is the process by which a language ceases to be used as a means of communication within a community. This can occur due to various reasons, such as political and economic marginalization, forced assimilation, and the lack of inter-generational transmission of language. When a language becomes endangered, it may lead to its eventual extinction.
  3. Language Discrimination and Marginalization: Linguistic discrimination refers to the unequal treatment of individuals or groups based on their language use, accent, or dialect. This can result in the marginalization and exclusion of certain language communities, leading to a loss of cultural heritage and identity.

It is essential to address these threats to linguistic diversity to ensure that cultural heritage and identity are preserved for future generations. By recognizing the value of linguistic diversity and promoting multilingualism, we can contribute to the preservation of cultural diversity and create a more inclusive and equitable society.

The Importance of Preserving Languages

International Mother Language Day

Languages are an essential aspect of human identity and culture, and they reflect the history, traditions, and values of a community. Language helps to preserve and transmit cultural heritage, knowledge, and traditions from one generation to another, which is essential for the survival and growth of any society.

When a language dies, a culture dies with it, and the world loses a unique perspective on human existence. Therefore, preserving endangered languages is critical to preserving cultural diversity and heritage. It is also important for communication and understanding among different communities and nations, as language is a primary tool for communication.

Promoting Multilingualism

Multilingualism refers to the ability to communicate in two or more languages. It has many benefits, such as promoting cultural diversity, enhancing cognitive abilities, and facilitating social and economic integration.

Learning multiple languages can also provide individuals with a competitive edge in the job market, especially in the global economy. Many international businesses prefer employees who can speak multiple languages to communicate with clients and colleagues from different countries.

Moreover, multilingualism can facilitate better understanding and communication among different communities, fostering harmony and peaceful coexistence.

Celebrating International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day

International Mother Language Day is an opportunity to celebrate linguistic and cultural diversity and promote multilingualism. Here are some ways to celebrate this day:

  1. Learn a new language – Learning a new language can be fun and challenging, and it can broaden your perspective and enhance your cognitive abilities.
  2. Organize cultural events – Organizing cultural events that promote multilingualism can help raise awareness and bring people from different cultures together.
  3. Read literature in different languages – Reading literature in different languages can help you learn more about different cultures and provide insight into their values and traditions.


1. What is the purpose of International Mother Language Day?

The purpose of International Mother Language Day is to promote linguistic and cultural diversity worldwide and raise awareness about the threats that linguistic diversity faces today.

2. When is International Mother Language Day celebrated?

International Mother Language Day is celebrated annually on February 21st.

3. Why is it important to preserve cultural diversity through language?

Preserving cultural diversity through language promotes multilingualism and intercultural understanding, empowers marginalized communities, and contributes to sustainable development and biodiversity conservation.


International Mother Language Day is a powerful reminder of the importance of preserving linguistic and cultural diversity in our rapidly changing world. Mother languages are not just means of communication but also symbols of identity and cultural heritage that reflect the rich history and diversity of our planet.

By learning and using mother languages, supporting language revitalization and maintenance, promoting multilingualism and language education, and advocating for linguistic rights and inclusion, we can all contribute to the preservation of cultural diversity through language.

Let us celebrate International Mother Language Day and honor the sacrifices of language martyrs who fought for the recognition of their mother language. Together, we can create a world that values and celebrates linguistic and cultural diversity, and promotes peace, harmony, and understanding among all people.

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To read more about International Mother Language Day, check out:

International Mother Language Day – Wikipedia

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